Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hot Hot Heat.

The humidity and heat have been killing me. I wish they were helping me shed pounds! I am shedding a lot of sweat though, a lot of toxins. I haven't been doing hard drugs for probably around a month. Go me! I'm sipping on half ice cubes and half fruit punch. JUDGE IT, COLD! Ice ice baby.

SURPRISE! I am leaving to Cuba on Tuesday, at 6:20AM woohoo! I'm going to miss my sugarbean but I think it's a needed break. I am currently finishing the hoards of laundry I seemed to have acquired. Then I can properly start packing my suitcase for this splendid trip with my mother and little sister.

I have been getting into the groove of having a boyfriend. It's nice. What a change. And wow, have I opened wider. My mind, not narrow, no doubt in my mind that this is what I'm here for.

This burden though, this ongoing debt, it eats away at my confidence. It nibbles ever so gently on my cares, my concentration, my faith in reality. I'm turning into a monster. I suppose I'm at the half-way point. This is where I decide, or where I get lost. I want to find the end.. I see it, but I can't feel it. Help me ride this out. Let me be the bigger person. I can do this. Positivity. Positivity. Positivity.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And So It Begins...

It's been delicious days with sugarbean. His real name is Greg. Greg is definitely my boyfriend. Times seems to slip when I'm with him, slip into my non-anatomical heart that is! He treats me wonderfully, possibly even better. We feed each other with affection and ideas. How enthralling!

Debt issues are still here, raging within my world. In the next couple months my life will be devoted to downing the numbers. Hopefully I get the job at Xtreme Pita with kiteJenn.

Sitting at home and doing nothing isn't so available anymore. Greg takes up a lot of my time, not that I mind. I feel more productive, and I feel more motivation to GO OUTSIDE and do things. I've become involved in his band, which is AWESOME by the way. Impulse @ Myspace! Click me to check them out!

I've been sliding and falling. Learning though. I need to get more active. I need to lose a little bit of weight. I need to apply to college again for 2011. I need to cut down on smoking cigarettes before I can even make a claim like I'm going to quit.

I need to rekindle some friendships. Perhaps, re-steer and re-evaluate some as well.

I want to photograph more often. I need a better camera. G2 after Buffalo trip in September?
Too many things in my head. Should be stoned to separate them, hah.